Specially for Yuki
Cat in an empty apartment

Dying--you wouldn't do that to a cat.

For what is a cat to do

in an empty apartment?

Climb up the walls?

Brush up against the furniture?

Nothing here seems changed,

and yet something has changed.

Nothing has been moved,

and yet there's more room.

And in the evenings the lamp is not on.

One hears footsteps on the stairs,

but they're not the same.

Neither is the hand

that puts a fish on the plate.

Something here isn't starting

at its usual time.

Something here isn't happening

as it should.

Somebody has been here and has been,

and then has suddenly disappeared

and now is stubbornly absent.

All the closets have been scanned

and all the shelves run through.

Slipping under the carpet and checking came to nothing.

The rule has even been broken and all the papers scattered.

What else is there to do?

Sleep and wait.

Just let him come back,

let him show up.

Then he'll find out

that you don't do that to a cat.

Going toward him

faking reluctance,


on very offended paws.

And no jumping, purring at first.

P.S. А статья в "Фактах" туфта. Тубинфицированный КРС ВЫРЕЗАЛИ. Таким образом "оздоравливали стадо" и "ликвидировали очаги". Так что спите спокойно, дорогие горожане, мяса с живым вакцинным штаммом вы не едали, а вот "холодный дорез" т.е. дохлятину - потребляете всю свою сознательную жизнь, с чем я вас и поздравляю...